Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports
PBIS is a school-wide approach that includes five quality characteristics to enhance school climate:
- Promote positive behavioral expectations
- Teach behavior expectations by modeling what is expected.
- Reinforce positive behaviors with rewards and praise.
- Implement consistent consequences for inappropriate behaviors.
- Utilize restorative practices to support repairing harm for victims, building empathy, and reducing recurrence of problems and conflicts.
Caught Ya's
During Distance Learning...
Caught Ya’s will be submitted by staff and parents via Google Form. The behaviors that staff look for are as follows:
- Taking Care of Yourself
- Taking Care of Others
- Taking Care of Business
Various rewards will be sent home through the mail to recognize a student’s LOBOS Values behavior!
During In-Person Learning...
Students can get a “Caught Ya” for displaying positive behaviors at school. The sheet to the right shows what any Quimby Oak staff can fill out for observing examples of the following behavior:
- Leadership
- Open Minded
- Be Respectful
- Own Your Choices
- Studious
Students receive the Caught Ya form and turn into the front office to get a Lobo Buck!
The Lobo Locker is open during break and lunch. Exchange Lobo Bucks for food and fun prizes!
PBIS Matrix for Distance Learning and Technology Use | |||
We Caught Ya... |
Taking Care of
Yourself (Leader, Studious,
Own Your Choices) |
Taking Care of
Others (Leader, Open Minded,
Be Respectful) |
Taking Care of
Business (Leader, Own Your
Choices, Be Respectful) |
Distance Learning |
Follow all regular classroom rules even in virtual classroom environments. |
Help keep fellow students on task by studying together, reminders of deadlines. Encouraging yourself and others to try out a lunch club or participating in a Quimby Spirit Event. |
Use a schedule to manage your classes and assignments. The counselor has one pre-made available to all students. If your computer is having issues and/or you are unable to connect to the online Google Meet/Zoom lessons, contact the Technology Support line. |
Online Lessons |
Find the best place to hear your teacher and where background noise will be minimal. Dress appropriately for a normal school environment. Follow all regular classroom rules even in virtual classroom environments. |
Inform your parents when you are entering a video conference with a teacher or class. Avoid any side conversations with classmates. Keep your camera on. If there is a concern, speak to your AP, counselor and teachers ahead of time. |
Use language & vocabulary as you would in a traditional classroom. Press the mute button on your video platform so that you can hear your teacher better. Only unmute when sharing your thoughts. Keep meeting links and passwords for you and your classmates only - Never share. |
Technology |
Come to “class” with Chromebook charged. Keep login, passwords, and private information private. Use technology appropriately. |
Be respectful of others online. Always THINK before posting a comment (is it True, is it Helpful, is it Inspiring, is it Necessary, is it Kind?). |
Take good care of your chromebook. Be careful if eating or drinking around your chromebook. Stay on task when using technology. |