Student and Parent Help Programs

Parent Workshops

Throughout the school year our Quimby staff, PTSA and the Evergreen School District provide a variety of workshops.These programs provide parents with tools to help students be more successful. Flyers for these programs are sent home via Peachjar and published in the school newsletter.


Many times parents look to the school for assistance with personal or family situations, which cause students to experience difficulties at school. Referrals for students, and in some cases, family counseling may be made with or through the assistant principals. Suggestions for referrals to outside agencies are also available through the assistant principals, district nurse, or school psychologist. See our Counseling page for more information.

Hotline Phone Numbers

  • Bill Wilson Center 408-243-0222
  • Eastfield Ming Quong (EMQ) Children and Family Services 408-379-3796,
  • Parent Project 408-808-3794